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tv   Bay Area Focus With Susan Sikora  CW  September 19, 2010 7:00am-7:30am PST

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want to reach 100? probably only ever you're healthy and happy. big if. aging expert tells us how to do it. meet the brains behind zap poe's, he built a wildly successful business. i'm susan sikora. that is next.
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is that thing getting closer? look how high that thing's going. look out there, look at the debris. all right, give me the camera. no, just drive. i've got it. zoom in! zoom in! i can't believe this is happening. look at the size of that thing. it's everywhere. are you getting this? yeah, i've got it. what was that? it's the national guard. how'd they get here so fast? i don't know. pull over! pull over! do you have what it takes to head into the heart of the storm? check out
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welcome to the show. i'm susan sikora. everything he will show your 100th birthday on the snuck kerr's jar. science experts are learning staying free of sunny ty, heart disease or arthritis can be in your control. how? a clinical associate professor of medicine at stanford university of medicine, one of
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the most scientisttive fix experts on aging and he has a new book the road map to 100. welcome. good to rea can't myself with you, because i stat in. we should congratulate you. at 80 years old, two months ago, april. >> 19, april. you did what? >> ran the boston marathon. no big deal. >> you have done it? >> my 40th consecutive running. not all in boston. the first in boston and the last in boston. maybe 20 or 30 in boston. >> i am thinking 26 miles. anyway, you did it. here is the point. a lot of people would say what does he know because you're 80? and he is in good shape, but i'm not and i don't want to be
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around at 100. i don't want to go down that road. >> it is a choice. it is not fate. how you're going to be, if you're going to be when you're 100 or 80 or 60 depends on you. we all get this idea somebody is in charge. the only person that is in charge is the person that looks back at you in the mirror in the morning. you have to make the decisions, d i want it? then you have to know how to do it. >> my mother had arthritis. i'm going to have it. >> 15%. >> that is it? >> it makes a little different. you get a bunch of twins and line them up and if genetics is critical they die simultaneously but they don't. they die six years apart. it aren't the cards you dealt, it is how you play the hand. >> nicely said. isn't some frail ty part of
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anything? you get this machine and it is don't things break down after time and wear and tear? >> very gracefully. we wrote a paper. my doctor son and i wrote how fast do we age. if you're fit, you age like this. if you're not fit you age like this. this difference is choice again. sure, we're going to get old but here i'm 80 running marathons and i'm not special. i'm slow and awkward and a miserable runner but i made a decision to be fit and all of us can do it. o do you have a lot of friends as fit as you at your age? >> know of course not. it is not too late to start but it is always too soon to stop. >> for those of you 20 something going this show is not for me, because she is talking about anything well. this country. i'm guessing when people are in
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their 20s they may not make it to where i am or where you are at this point, because of the obesity problem. you say that is one of the worstst things. >> the cdc says this is the first time in american history where we will live shorter than our kids and that is awful. we're the first generation and our kids are going to live shorter than we are and that is terrible. you're right it is because they are watching television, eating big macs and they are in awful shape. we have a big thing in santa clara, fit for learning. they have to walk to school, turn t v off because they get diabetes when they are 20 years old and that cuts your years 15 years. >> that is highly hereditary. >> a little bit. >> it has to be more than 15%. >> when people cross the rio
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graham they since have diabetes south of the border, they get it. >> is dementia harmedly avoidable? >> i have always pled ignorance but now, there is more and more evidence if you keep your brain good, if you keep your body good, dementia is a lot less. it is a use it or lose it thing. >> sorry mom, i have to talk about this. you have to use your muscles. she says but it hurts. but i said you have to use the muscles around the bones. it is harder the more arthritis you have, let me just sit here, but you're making it harder. >> it is a spare ral. the less you do, the less you do and it goes down, so we have to intercept that. in my books i write about
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preventative orthopedics. preventing arthritis. we want to repair it and give you a new joint, we need to give you a bunch of pills. how about not getting it in the first place. >> my cousin had surgery, arthritis. he also plays football. doesn't that make it worse? he was active. >> but if you're in there bashing on yourself and wrecking your knees, i have a sun that is a great socker player but his knees are wrecked. we have to use common sense about that. >> let's talk diet here. i bet you hate trans-fats. let's talk about the diet. what kind of food am i supposed to be eating? >> mixed stuffed largely vegetables and fruits but i'm not hung up on that. bush men were not selective
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about what they ate. they ate what they could catch. if you're active, you can eat near everything. >> are you vegetarian? >> no. >> i am a little bit. >> the whole thing is belief. if you believe you're going to get it out of that then i'm for you. >> what about alcohol. >> okay. >> how much alcohol though? >> the body is wonderfully forgiving. the liver can sop and sop. you have to be a skin row bum. the engagement it causes. you rely on alcohol to solve their problems and that is the biggest problem of alcohol. i'm not going to do that. >> they get together, have the wine, and it is the interaction. don't go anywhere. you can warm up your coffee or make yourself a screwdriver
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while you're waiting. we'll be back. don't go away.
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the road map to 100. it is the breakthrough science of living along and healthy life. getting to 100 in a way that
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will be fun and you're standing up and you're independent and you have friends. talk about the social zation. >> pretty much they don't live very long. they are in a cave and nobody is strong enough to withstand intense self scrutiniy if you're looking at your self all the time too much when you're by yourself so you have to live outside. friends art most important medicine there is. you're to the going to do well. the word i use is engagement. you have to be engaged in life. you have to hear and see. your sense organs are important but you have to care. >> absolutely. stow while we're talking about social zation, let's talk about the more social liced between two people, sex for older people. i don't want to hear about grandma having sex but grandma and grandpa often to have sex. into what age?
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>> yeah. >> there is no end to that. >> okay. so into their 80s. >> absolutely. >> beyond that? >> absolutely. >> a lot of people say i'm done with that. why? what is your best argument for continuing to engage in sexual relations? >> you're healthier. there are studies, a few studies. the people who have sex live longer and they are happier in doing it. in today's newspaper there was a story about a drug for women in maintaining their sexual desire and not working and they contacted me about that. women are much more complicated because they lack partners. men have trouble because they have trouble. but women have lack of opportunity so it is up to us guys to live longer to give you the opportunity. >> because there are 32 of you for 1 of me.
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>> is this easier for lesbians. >> maybe. i have no data on that. it sounds right. >> and gay men if they check out earlier, they go together. at least they can have sex with each other and not stay around for the women. >> joy of age. she writes very intensively about her own sex as she gets older and you have to be pliable. the stereotypes have to go out. it is important and it should be worked at. >> what about the morality of it. some say i don't want to get married, social security issues or financial or what have you. >> who wants the immoral ty of the two people caring for each other. >> let's talk about the kind of exercise you can do. first of all is it too late to
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sort with this? what if i pick this up and i'm 90. is it too late? >> it is never too late to start. it is always too late to stop. people in their 90s, yes. a friend of mine took 90-year- old nursing home residents and looked at the cat scan of their thigh and it was weathered. is it because they are 90 or because they are in bed. she got them out of bed and it can come back. >> do you have to work harder? >> no. >> the body is infinite in its renewal capability. never too late. >> if you start somebody wants to start. they say this. check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. which makes in the sound
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serious like i could hurt myself and a reason not to start. should they check with their dock for? >> no. >> i was the delegate of the a.m.a. and it was my agreement the goal is to get as many people moving u walkingings as possible. for us to put hurdles. you have to go to your doctors with bills and cardiograms and some people will die. is that bad? i would take that choice all along. never too late to start. you don't need a physical exam. common sense. you know if you're tight in your chest when pushing, then back off. >> easiest first steps to take? >> take the stairs. turn the television off. go outside. >> but not before this show is over. >> we need this show. this is vital information. >> go outside which is easy in california. i would think eating healthy is
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easy in california. there is watermelon from mexico and all that, but that is not a far trip. you're not on the east coast hoping an apple will make it to washington in winter. >> don't tell the rest of the world about how lucky we are. >> friends. everybody has had old friends go to high school reunions and it is like pick up the phone. i have done this. i say, let's find so and so. we called somebody we haven't talked to in a long time. her face lit up after the conversation. >> gene ology is where they find out these cousins. >> they are delighted to hear from you, too. it is delighted to see you again in person. it is the road map to 100. i suggest if you're old enough
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to read, get a copy and start. >> and there is the web site as well which is. .. stay with us. more ahead. thank you. you're slight full.
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welcome back. given the current tough economy and the constant hitches to any start up, by now, you may have scrapped any dreams of having your own business and
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succeeding. tony says not so fast. some shoe fanatic ks says zap poe's has it. >> welcocome tony. good to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> you shared it right before, congratulations are in order. this book just hit the stands june 7th and the news is. >> we just learned that we made number one on the new york times best sellers list. so we're excited. >> even though we're taping this ahead, that is good. pretty impressive right away. you were not even into shoes, i read. >> i'm still not. i used to wear one pair a shoes for two years until there were holes in them and now i have
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five pairs. >> i don't get the connection. why did you choose shoes? it is about customer service and we started out focusing on just shoeings but we sell clothing now, beauty products, kitchen wear, houseware. if the brand about customer service, then it is the possibilities are unlimited. we talked about having an airline with customer service. >> what was the moment that made you passionate about customer service? you don't hear that's a lot? people say it. i will take that back. you hear people say we think customer service is the most important thing and they don't really but it sounds good. i suspect it is true, but where did it start? >> just my personal life and i think in every one's experience on a daily basis, there has
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been bad customer service and it is annoying and i wanted to do something about it. with purchasing shoes online, we offer free shipping both ways so a lot of customers will order ten pair of shoes and try them on and we pay the shipping back with whatever they don't like. >> it is definitely very expensive and other examples for our own expenses, we do surprise upgrades to overnight shipping even though for most of our repeat customers so a lot will order as late as midnight eastern and it shows 8 hours later. we try to over do it so our whole philosophy is take most of the money we would use for paid advertising and invest into the customer experience
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and let the cuss must do it for us through word-of-mouth. >> you have to have solid dedicated employees that are treated well, i read. what is the pipeline? >> our whole goal is for employees not to think of their work as a job or as a career but a calling. >> a calling, selling shoes and clothes. >> customer service and company culture. we have -- company culture is our number one priority. if we get the culture right, then delivering customer service, it will happen on its own. we're superexcited, we made it to that. we still want them to be employees ten years from now and part of that for the pipeline, we provide most of them come in on entry level. we provide all the training and mep tor ship so they can be a
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senior leader in five to seven years. >> you don't have to spend 20 years there to be a manager. you can move up a little faster. well, a lot faster than another company. >> yes. a lot is about helping our employees figure out what their passions are. we encourage employees if they are not passionate about merchandising, then try a different department. we have had some that worknd in circumstance or seven departments and then they find their passion. once they are passionate about the work they are doing and long term vision of the company and they feel like this is a culture they want to be a part of, so much more gets done. >> do you pay well? >> for entry level we pay at or above market rates, but we cover 100% medical and dental. >> how long do you have to be there for that? >> i believe 90 days or 60 days. >> is it a good package?
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>> 100% medical dental. co-pays. >> if i'm an employee, you'll cover that. >> yes. >> is the customer always right? >> the customer we want to have is always right, but it is a very small percentage but we have customers if they are verbally abusive to one of our employees, we'll shut down their account. >> if the employee says look i don't like the way we're doing this, i hate my desk or i need a bigger raise will you listen to them and say if you don't want the job somebody else wants it. >> you define your job. there is definitely ser testimony things you need to get done depending on what department you're in, but if you're passionate about something, what we try to encourage is it is easier to seek forgiveness than
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permission. that is how a lot of this happens. we give tours to the public and you can see all this. >> so this is in las vegas. you don't have a bay area office? >> we started out in the bay area and we moved six years ago. >> are you herring? >> yes. >> do you hire all ages? >> yes. >> what is the oldest employee? >> i'm going to guess 65, 70. >> you transparency and the vendors. you said a lot of your competition will make an ad ver sarry out of the vender, we're here to get a deal. i want to sell this cup. you want to buy it. it is me versus you. you want to make a friend out of me so we can make a deal on the cup. >> we call it our wow philosophy. >> we want to take a partner snip approach so we give them
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access and they see the same information we see, profitability, sales and so on. so together we can figure out a win/win situation. we're not trying to squeeze every dollar out of them. >> tony shea, a lot of good ideas in this book. i love the newsletter things they can ask any questions. >> when you're a vegetarian eat animal crackers. >> if you go to las vegas you can apply for a job. we leave you now with one giant leap. i'm susan sikora. thank you for watching.
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